Your comprehensive insurance policy may protect you from events beyond your control, such as theft and severe weather. These are a few of the common risks against which you may not have anticipated protection. Check with your broker to determine the scope of your policy.
Falling objects shout "unexpected automobile risk" You do not anticipate space debris, meteorites, or grand pianos to land in your vicinity. Although uncommon, such occurrences do occur. Knowing you have protection is comforting.
You've likely seen wildlife crossing signs while traveling on vacation. Whether it's a fluffy rabbit, a cow, or a hippopotamus, these animals pose a serious hazard as they can cause a variety of incidents, even when precautions are taken to avoid them. While there is no one to blame for an untamed animal on the road, you may be able to hold a farmer liable for the damage to your vehicle.
Want to find out more? Contact us for more information.
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