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Save On Insurance Premiums - Secure Your Home Against Burglary

Don't make a burglar's job easy by having an unprotected home. Applying common safety measures is the best way to protect yourself and your belongings, as well as to reduce your insurance premiums.

So, what can you do to safeguard yourself and your belongings from potential invaders? Here are some tips:

  • Install basic security devices. Padlocks, door and window locks, grates, bars, and bolts may lengthen the time required to break into a residence. Ensure that the existing components are functioning appropriately.

  • Invest in surveillance cameras and an alarm system. Covering major access points and mounting out of reach to discourage tampering, these devices alert intruders that they are being monitored.

  • Give up some privacy for more security. Before erecting a tall wooden fence in your backyard, you should trim trees and bushes near the doors and windows and consider the placement of trees and bushes near the windows. Fences and bushes that are tall and dense might increase your seclusion, but they can also aid a burglar.

  • Cast a light. Force any potential intruder to emerge from the shadows. Mounted out of reach, outside lights and motion detectors may diminish the obscurity that protects a potential intruder from detection.

  • Keep valuables hidden from view. The exterior of your home should not be a tempting target for burglars, so if your priceless home goods are on full display, you may want to rearrange your furniture.

If you do not have proper insurance cover in place at the moment, why not get this sorted as soon as possible? Contact Ngenious Business Solutions today!


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